2002 part 6
Storm lashed seas and breezy trees.
People lying like fuck on the friends reunited website, Managing Director
my baboons arse!
Whores to left of me, hookers to the right, here I am, stuck in the ‘Dam
with you.
Spreading the word to the non-believers, the cup is ours.
Walls come tumbling down.
Giant catapults in holiday resorts, why?
Headphones/hat combination, keeps it loud, proud and on yer ‘ead.
Bear cubs haircuts.
Old women with spiky, punk style hair, anarchy ‘arl girl stylee.
Fred Perry trackie tops in a rather fetching navy/cream.
Just For Men beard/moustache/sideburns combo.
Pop Idol’s Will looking like he’s swallowed Greg Rusedski.
Spike Milligan, man, myth, legend, time served ferret, sadly missed.
Pop Idol’s Gareth, f f f f f f f fuck it!
Old women with ‘taches.
Scandinavian punk, you what?
Ali G on the breakfast show, just what did you think was going to happen?
Brits, Baftas, Brats, backslapping bullshit.
An entire packet of extra strong mints only lasting five minutes.
Shooting Stars still being one of the funniest things on the telly.
Bruce Lee, Fist of Fury, mad facial expressions and being hard as fuck.
Daniel O’Donnell, cardigan wearing twat.
Home made compilation CD’s being better than any store bought shite.
Al Qaeda trained seagulls causing mayhem in Southport town centre.
Strange phone calls from friends past and present.
Spoofy Clackdish winning the quiz.
1970’s twat fashion being de rigueur.
Children's TV presenters with speech impediments, good role models?
Shave a bollock!
Yeehaw Uncle Jesse.